So what is this about?

It is not about SMS’ 160 characters.
It is not about Twitter’s 140 characters.

But it is about your 120 characters profile title on LinkedIn.

When you create or update your profile on LinkedIn you will automatically get a title consisting of your business title and employer name, e.g. Business Development Manager at Amazon. Most people set and forget the title at this point. However keeping this bog standard title is so middle of the road and while it gives some key information (which is repeated further down where your current position is detailed) LinkedIn allows for a much more creative and useful update to the title.

You have 120 characters to tell a story in your LinkedIn title that is more helpful and makes more sense for prospective customers, partners and recruiters. Use the full 120 characters creatively to show who you are and what you can do for your audience.

I constantly keep refining my title. Half of the times it get worse which allows me to change it again…

Check out what I have at the moment at the LinkedIn link below (at the time of writing this post, my title is 119 characters – almost optimal). Let me know what you think! Feel free to share your own creative title!

View Håkan Söderbom's profile on LinkedIn


(I’ve recently made some big changes to this blog, including adding some strong anti-spam features. If you encounter any problems, please message me the details via LinkedIn. Thanks!)