Seattle Autumn

Just uploaded some pictures I took last weekend. We had a fabulously beautiful couple of days and I was out chasing colours with the camera. Several of the pictures came out quite well and I had them printed and framed.

LATAM is in Ft Lauderdale

Just got back from a meeting in Ft Lauderdale, Florida, with my colleagues in Latin America. Our LATAM office is in Ft Lauderdale and my colleagues say the connections are better in and out of Miami than they are between the countries. We had a couple of really good...


Had a sudden urge for chocolate and drove down to Ikea in Renton to satisfy my desire! Bought too much, ate too much, and am regretting it now.


I was just invited to the PopFly alpha and decided to check it out. I was able to create a FaceBook mashup and embed it on the homepage here at MSN Spaces. Really mindblowing what is becoming possible. I do envy the generation growning up now… 

EMEA travel in March

A long week is coming to its end! I left the US last Friday and have been traveling with colleagues to meet our local teams in UK, Germany and France. I also got the opportunity to meet the Swedish team and spend part of the weekend with my family. Spring is coming to...