I just kicked off a new evidence project together with Kyle Cressman in SMSP. The focus of the project is to team up with smaller VAP partners and tell their stories about successful web projects. The objective is to help share great ideas in the the breadth partner community, while promoting successful partners. The really exciting part of this project is that we plan to deliver the stories in new ways. Traditionally we have created case stories with the biggest partners and the focus has been on creating a # of stories, versus retelling them in a good way. This time the focus will be on retelling the good stories and we will make an extra effort to engage people around each story. 

We are teaming up with the Live Spaces team and plan to use Spaces for publishing the stories with the intention of creating an active community around each case. We expect some of these stories to gain much interest, while some may fizzle out and disappear. It will be exiting to see what stories will be successful, and why.

If you wonder about the strange project name, well we needed a name and at Wikipedia it says "An explosion is a sudden increase in volume and release of energy in an extreme manner…" which seems appropriate for what we want to accomplish. We have more cool ideas which I can share later.

More to follow…